Why Senior Pastors Should Lead a Mentoring Group Why Senior Pastors Should Lead a Mentoring Group

Why Senior Pastors Should Lead a Mentoring Group

A Christianity Today article quoted leadership guru Peter Drucker as saying that the four hardest jobs in America are, in no particular order… President of the United States University President CEO of a Hospital Senior…

What Makes It “Radical” Mentoring? What Makes It “Radical” Mentoring?

What Makes It “Radical” Mentoring?

If you look up “radical” in the dictionary, one of the definitions reads “very different from the usual or traditional.” Different, extreme, and countercultural are among the synonyms. So, when we get asked the question,…

Six Qualities of a Good Mentor Six Qualities of a Good Mentor

Six Qualities of a Good Mentor

Occasionally, we get a mildly panicked phone call from a concerned church leader. Some of their groups aren’t working out as expected. After asking a few questions, we almost always uncover two primary symptoms, and…

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