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The elders at North Point Community Church pray over sick people when asked. I’ve participated in many of these prayer sessions as an elder. They are usually accompanied by an air of sadness, especially when…

Living on Purpose Living on Purpose

Living on Purpose

One of the best questions ever… If your life is a dollar, what are you spending it for? For my first thirteen conscious years, I spent my dollar on myself, trying to matter to people….

Talents, Skills, and Strengths Talents, Skills, and Strengths

Talents, Skills, and Strengths

Modern-day Christians love personality tests. Everybody’s trying to figure out everybody else. Right now, people are talking a lot about the Enneagram. Before that, it was StrengthsFinder. Wouldn’t it be great if we could answer…

Hungry Churches Hungry Churches

Hungry Churches

Hang around me for more than five minutes, and you’ll probably notice a few of my passions. Besides my walk with Jesus and my family, there are two big ones: running and the local church….

The Star The Star

The Star

So our daughter-in-law invites us to go to the movie with her and our grandsons. Since they’re 10 and 7, I know it’s going to be animated and probably have something to do with robots…

Lost Lost


Imagine you arrive in Chicago for a business meeting. It’s not until the next night so you decide to explore the city. Having never been to Chicago before, you grab a coffee, find a map,…

What Story Will You Tell? What Story Will You Tell?

What Story Will You Tell?

Imagine you’re 85 years old, living in a nursing home, and your health is beginning to fail. One of your grandkids has always had a special place in their heart for you, but over the…

What’s Your One Thing? What’s Your One Thing?

What’s Your One Thing?

I remember my daddy saying, “I’m a jack-of-all-trades, but master of none.” I took that as ‘gospel’ and have said it for years, especially after failing to complete a home repair project and having to…

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