Church is the First Stop Church is the First Stop

Church is the First Stop

I don’t know anyone who is totally satisfied with their church. People who go to a large church want the warmth and connection of a smaller one. Others are trapped in smaller churches and hungry…

Why Belonging Matters Why Belonging Matters

Why Belonging Matters

We all want to belong. God made us to belong. From Eden to everyman, there’s a deep need for attachment and belonging. We want to be included in things with other people. Someone asked famous…

Stronger Closer Together Stronger Closer Together

Stronger Closer Together

Attending a seeker church as I do, the constant question is “Don’t we need to go deeper?” “Are we ‘fast food church,’ looking to make following Jesus quick-serve . . .  high calorie, low cost,…

The Missing Peace The Missing Peace

The Missing Peace

So next Sunday is the day preachers verbalize the Gospel and pray the ‘sinners prayer’ from the platform. And why not? It’s when the CEW&F people come to church . . . you gotta’ hit…

Don’t Stay in the Hall Don’t Stay in the Hall

Don’t Stay in the Hall

In the England of C.S. Lewis’ day, there was quite a split in politics, culture and especially in the church. In his classic work, Mere Christianity Lewis waded into these waters . . . into…

Stop Counting? Stop Counting?

Stop Counting?

Not too long ago, I heard Bob Goff say “We need to stop counting”. He’s busting on everything being so knotted up and measured. So ‘corporate’. He said love should be inefficient. Senselessly abundant and…

Church…Just Like You Like It! Church…Just Like You Like It!

Church…Just Like You Like It!

Every Christian I’ve met has a paradigm of ‘church’. If they could wave a magic wand, their church would be a certain size, provide a certain kind of music and worship style, hire the perfect…

Biblical Bob Biblical Bob

Biblical Bob

I don’t know anyone who is totally satisfied with their church. People who go to a large church want the warmth and connection of a smaller one. Others are trapped in smaller churches and hungry…

Now Fire Your Church… Now Fire Your Church…

Now Fire Your Church…

Ever since Michael Jordan signed his first shoe deal, I’ve been fascinated by this thing called ‘transference’. What on God’s green earth does a basketball player from Wilmington North Carolina have to do with the…

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